edited December 1969 in Faith Issues
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  • jesus servant,
    if it is possible, can you post this again in English? Thanks.
  • O God: calling your name is wonderful, and most wonderful is your reply, this call (O God) which we repeat every hour during day and night has been repeated in 222 verses in the psalms. every psalm has this call (O God) in it. That's why you made the psalms the base of our daily prayers in the Agbeya (the book of prayers) which states the word (O God) over 580 times in the seven prayers. And one of the amazing things is that the word kerealayson (Lord have mercy) is mentioned in the book of prayers 41 times in each of the seven prayers. and that the number 41 is odd (can't be divided by any other number) as well as the number 7!!! (It's ONE GOD)
  • Banoub,
    I hope this translation helps...I am not actually very good at translations but that was my best actually. If it is confusing, you can e-mail me or post your questions here.
    God bless.
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