Hello to all,
you can watch and listen to H.H. Pope Shenouda III ceremony( video and audio), at 9:30 PM " Egypt time" Today and at 10 O'clock and 12 Noon Tomorrow, Thursday
ÈÊÇÑíÎ 26-10-2005
Subject" concerning latest condition facing the Copts in Egypt
It is according to Cairo' time.
ÈÊÇÑíÎ 26-10-2005
Çáíæã ÇáÌãÚÉ ÇáãæÇÝÞ 28-10-2005 ÇáÓÇÚÉ ÇáÓÇÏÓÉ ãÓÇÁà æÇáÓÇÚÉ ÇáËÇãäÉ ãÓÇÁÇð ÈÊæÞíÊ Ì.ã.Ú
In HIS Name,
btw, does anyone have any new news?
This is the ceremony of H.H. in Arabic, If anyone of dear friends of tasbeha is able to translate it to English, it would be very appreciated.
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Coptic Servent
Yes, Pope Shenouda III was in tears for what happened in Alexandria, I hope the persecution of Copts ends!
Coptic Servent
amen to that
just a reminder...the church is fasting and praying for 3 days...starting tomorrow until Wednesday...let's keep our church strong as it has always been!
[quote author=Coptic Servent link=board=4;threadid=2663;start=0#msg41385 date=1130708384]
Yes, Pope Shenouda III was in tears for what happened in Alexandria, I hope the persecution of Copts ends!
Coptic Servent
amen to that
just a reminder...the church is fasting and praying for 3 days...starting tomorrow until Wednesday...let's keep our church strong as it has always been!
Why are we fasting for 3 days, and let us all pray with all our HEARTS that this fast will help us get a response from our Lord!
Coptic Servent
its a part of His Holiness's ceremony...
no i heard that they said that with the priest, not HIS HOLINESS!
r u sure....
do u know that the sheikh of the muslims released the blood of the pope, meaning they want to kill him.. :-\
[quote author=Christ4Life link=board=4;threadid=2663;start=15#msg41415 date=1130725044]
no i heard that they said that with the priest, not HIS HOLINESS!
r u sure....
Ya, MarMar I think they were talking about the priest of the church, and I'm pretty sure of it too!
Coptic Servent
I'm depressesed
I am afraid that HH. will be martyred :'(
The church needs his guidance :-\
Please Pray and Fast for the next 3 days with all your heart! Let God hear our cry! I myself will not eat at all for the next 3 days, and pray constantly.
I have a feeling this will lead to another age of persecution :(
Remember the verse
"If you have faith as little as a mustard seed you can say to a mountain move from here to there, and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you"
Dear PopeKyrillos,
I definitely agree with every word you said, especially, about the depression and we have to be positive, even it's not happening to us, we are also Copts, and I hope that Our Lord, will hear our prayers and our crys, we pray with the bottom of our hearts! Please God hear our prayers today!
Coptic Servent
:'(yea i too cant help but feel sad, but never forget that those who died like that, probably wanted to and were ready for it.
PS: u guys are right, fast these 3 days diligintly and pray any chance u get, on the bus, in the halls, anytime u can.
which means they want to kill him.................i was about to cry wen i heard this.
may god protect him the things that they are doing in alexandira is disgusting and they need to be stopped.
Here is a website where its stated...... its shocking
It's scary and sad in the same time :'(..All what we should do is pray and fast....the Church needs us and we need her and we need the pope.
"On my mind there are lots of words to be said and in my heart there are lots more than that... But I prefer to stay silent... I chose to stay silent so that God Himself will speak... Rest assured that our silence is a much stronger expression... And God hears that silence and he knows its meaning and our suffering..."
I couldn't even begin to show the emotions and the true meanings behind his words, I've only tried to translate the piece that touched my heart the most.
May he be blessed forever,
I'm afraid my lunch hour is not long enough.. I will do my best to have all before the end of the day.
hang tight,
http://tasbeha.org/mp3/Videos/H.H._Pope_Shenouda_III.html, but for some unusual reason the audio cuts off after like, a minute and a half, so i downloaded it...
"The verse that brings us comfort this night is the Lord saying, come to me all you worry and havey ladden and I shall give you rest. That is, come to me all you whose sorrow has burdened their lives and sometimes it became more than what you can bear. There's a lot of suffering in our days, some to persons, to groups, even to cities and suffering for the world as a whole. But still the people should look towards God for help. As He has taught us in the Bible in the Lord's prayer that we should say everyday and everyhour: but lead not into temptation but deliver us from every evil. God is the one who saves, but unfortunalty, how often is this prayer said not from the heart and with very little faith, insufficent faith and without inner understanding. And we in every pain that surrounds us, in all, we put the problems in front of God and leave them in his hand and we say let it be your will. If you want to solve the problem, let it be your will, and if you want us to be blessed by a cross for us to carry... (His holiness tears and the multitude applaused in understanding, a hymn is sang)"
"I said that we should put our troubles in front of God. And why in front of God? Because is He is all, He sees all things and He hears, and knows and is writen before him all. And because God knows all that is apprent and invisible, knows that which is happening and that which will occur in the future. And in His knowing, He is a good sheperd. Like it says in Ezekiel's chapter 34, (please refer to chapters for exact verse translation) Also in Isaih chapter 61. Our experience in the past with him shows us how He interfears and how he works, and when times get complicated and problems occur, we see how his mighty hand works in strength and clearity. And his interferance becomes obvious. And that's how the Bible tells us, laying all our pain and suffering on him, who takes care of us and delivers us... And the Bible says to us, that God does not tempt us or puts us into trials that we can not handle or endure and there's always a way, for Him to deliver us."
guys, sorry, I have to stop here. I will translate the rest later tonight.
Keep praying and fasting and may God bless and keep the life of our honnored and beloved Pope.
1) Thank you blank for translating the message it takes a lot of work to translate and i know how time consuming it could be
2) Yes the audio and vedio on here for the message of the Pope do cut off but you can always download the audio off the Pope website at www.copticpope.org
3) Really where my post starts:
I read through 95% of the posts on here and guys that is definitaly not the attitude we need we need to cheer up a lot more for many reasons, as far as i saw, everybody is sad but keep in mind what happened in Alex and what been happening through the past few months and really years all over Egypt and here in the states too (the people from new jersey understand what i mean) is a blessing and a needed wake up call for every single one of us and i am on the top of that list and i dont deny it. The reason i say it is a wake up call is because of what we learned from the Old Testament and the history of the jewish people, whenever they would do something bad or go astray from God, He would punish them or give them some hardship to wake them up and make them come back to Him. So God is giving us those hardships and not only religious hardships but even enviromental hardships (e.g. katrina, wilma,...etc) they didn't just affect the south they should have affected everyone of us. God is calling on us to fast and pray and really pick up the Bible and understand what He says in their. To really understand what it means when He says "Come to me all you labor and heavy laden and i will give you rest", When He says "From Egypt i call my Son", and when He says "Blessed are my people the people of Egypt" (can't remember excatly how it translates over from arabic) That is enough about why and how this is a needed hardship
now about how it is a blessing, all i can say about this is go listen to my Coptic Church in arabic or english (i got those copies if you cant find them) or in Coptic (if it exists) and that should draw a good enough picture for you how that is a blessing, because through hardship we learn and if you read or heared the Pope's message He mentioned the verse that says God doesn't give a problem or hardship without giving the solution with it.
I myself are not worried or scared and maybe its way in the back of my mind that because i am away i am safe and not worried i hope that is not the case and at the same time yes they did make the Pope's blood halal and if you kill him you are a marter in their books but again who do we know died on false witness and for no reason lets see:
1) Jesus Christ by the hand of the jews
2) The saints by multiple Rulers
and one last thing we don't really pay too much attention during this hardship times to is Matt 6:39 where Christ says " But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also" and that is the reason again why the Pope said i have a lot to say and my heart has a lot more to say but i choose to stay silent and if you read the rest of that Chapter it talks about the second mile and how in those three days we should be really praying for those who want to kill us and persecute us more than praying for ourselves
just a few things off my chest i am done now :)