Higher Instutute Aikotee....

edited December 1969 in Hymns Discussion
hey...I was listening to Aikotee ensok by the higher institute of coptic studies adn it doesn't have a lot it, only like half, why is that?


  • That's something i noticed too. The midnite praise by HICS (higher institue of coptic studies) is in a lot of ways incomplete, such as big parts of the Psali and the Theotokia is missing. I think they only recorded a part, so that people would know the tune or something, it's weird though, does anybody else know a better reason???? :-\
  • yea, hos erof is right...the HICS does that in a few of their recordings...in my opinion the best person to learn Aikoti from is Mlm. Ibrahim Ayad.

    Aikoti Ensok
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