??? ok the other day i was explaining toa friend that islam is a religion of violence and taht in the quran it actually instructs muslims to kill unbeleivers and that we(unbeleivers taht is ) where swine my friend disgusted by the quran agreed with me but then the next day he asked me about the bible and told me he found a chapter in the bible Leviticus 20:13 to be exact and i looked it up and it was baout killing homosexuals(which the church is very against i am against them too) and i honestly couldnt answer to it i didnt know what to say less than well they must have takin it out of context because the lord our god and saviour jesus christ says in the ten commandments that killing is a sin.So here i am stuck with teh problem i have to defend the faith but do not know how any help is appreciated
Oh my lord jesus christ my good savior
I don't believe the bible is instructing us to go and kill the homosexuals, It is saying this is what will happen to the homosexuals if they dont change their ways.
I hope that helps....
Oh kirios Meta soo