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  • It seems that self control is one of those things u have when your spirit is in control of your body. Sometimes the body wants its own desires like good looks, attention, food, lust, athleticism, etc. and these can conflict with our spiritual desir…
  • Yeah, I don't like saying religious denomination determines your salvation. Everyone is judged based on their faith and good deeds. Christian sects worship God from different angles and take different paths to Heaven. Some paths shorter, some lon…
  • The Mormones are considered a Cult. They have the book of mormon which they say is the other testament of God and they have their version of the bible, which is different then ours. They think that certain things make people unworthy to practice; …
  • Hey Defender, I think most protestants believe in baptism. They also have communion, but don't give it the same meaning. In my opinion, they lack the faith to believe in what we do. But I think we all make up the body of Christ. I view the prote…
  • I agree. I guess it's just hard to understand why people would reject so much tradition (Sacraments, Fasting, etc.) I think these are gifts from God to develop a bridge to him. It's possible you don't need all these special tools God gave us, but…
  • I guess it makes sense about being humble and patient. Bad things often happen to good people because these people can handle bad situations better than most. It's kind of like practice, many of the people which God allows bad things to happen hav…