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  • We cease to be human according to St. Gregory not in the literal sense by nature, but in the sense of deification. We are already above the natural state of man.
  • The precise teaching of the Armenian Church on transubstantiation was expressed by Saint Gregory of Tatev: "The accidents and attributes remain bread and wine, but the essence changes to the Body and Blood of Christ."
  • I want to ask, is the whole Church infallible or only all bishops? Can all bishops be mistaken in faith?
  • Thank you very much for the clarification!
  • Yes, you can read about him and his life here:
  • I have already found it online, thank you! If you want, I can send it you by e-mail.
  • Dear brothers! Do you have online version of the this book? Fr. Shenouda, «Christology and the Council of Chalcedon» I don’t live in USA and European Union, it’s impossible for me to buy it online. I will be very happy if you send it to me.
  • To my mind, this is a very important question. Yes, Christ grew and learned, but at 33 years old He reached the perfect and final age of human nature. Therefore, if He had not decided to go to the Cross, die, rise again and ascend, He would not have…
  • If we follow this logic, Jesus is not fully human, because he was born by only woman without man...
  • And one more question, brothers Are there any councils in the Coptic or Syrian Church that confirm the teaching of Sevier about corruption and anathematize others? Or is this only the opinion of Severus of Antioch, as a teacher of the Church?
  • The birth of Christ was absolutely painless for Saint Mary. Saint Gregory of Tatev writes: And again, it is known that after the resurrection the bodies of ordinary people will undergo four changes. First: transparency (that is, permeability to mat…
  • Dear Dioscoros, I have just read book «The Council of Chalcedon Re-Examined». And I have several questions about corruption theme. 1) Does the Coptic Church really believe that Adam was corruptible before the Fall? If so, a) did he have vicious …
  • Bro, I’m talking about The Council of Chalcedon Re-examined by VC Samuel. Nature of Christ by HH Pope Shenuda was already read by me.
  • Do you have online version of this book? I live in Russia and we don’t have Amazon here.
  • Dear Dioscoros, And do you have some quotes from Fathers about one nature before 431 in the 4th century? God bless you,
  • Dear Mabsoota, I I asked several of our theologians and priests, and they all said as one that these 2 canons (at least!) of the Council of Shirakavan are late Greek insertions. Moreover, our church historian Magacia (Ormanian), Patriarch of Cons…
  • Hi Dioscoros, I checked the sources, and it looks like these canons of the council are a late Greek insertion. God be with you,
  • Dearest Dioscorus, It seems that we have completely different readings of the 13th anathema of the council. My version is a translation from the Russian version (, which explicitly says tha…
  • Dear Dioscoros, Unfortunately, I cannot agree with you, that all Chalkidonites are out of the Church. We are interested in the Shirakavan Council of 862. The reason for the convocation was the letter of Patriarch Photios of Constantinople to the Arm…
  • Dear Mabsoota, As for me, I live in Russia, an East Orthodox country. Most of priests and bishops here think that we are heretics. That's why it's very difficult to find priest who will accept you, if there is no Armenian Church nearby. My family an…
  • I don’t think so. Their church believes that we are heretics and we don’t have grace. Probably, their saints believe the same.
  • When it comes to genetic defects such as diseases - no, He would not allow it. If it speaks of various accidents (personal differences) of human nature (for instance, eye color), there is no reason not to allow it.
  • Dear Dioscoros, As I remember, according to St.Gregory of Tatev, St.Mary, John the Baptist and other several Prothets didn’t have original sin. But not from the moment of conception (as Catholics teach), but from the moment the Holy Spirit descende…
    in orginal sin Comment by Tigran May 2023
  • Dear Dioscoros, Let's discuss Acts 13:34. And as concerning that he raised him up from the dead, now no more to return to corruption, he said on this wise, I will give you the sure mercies of David.(Acts.13:34) So just after this we can find: Wheref…
  • Dear Dioscoros, I'm not sure if this is an authentic quote from Hovhannes Odznetsi. I would be glad if you could provide a link to this work.I would like to comment on your answers: 1. Christ accepts neither original sin nor its consequences. Imma…
  • Dear Dioscoros, You have just agreed with the exact Chalcedonian definition of Christ's corruption. I copied the text of their Father John of Damascus ( Usually, t…
  • Hello Dioscoros, Thank you!
  • To my mind, there are a lot of good arguments against Chalkidonites on Mintropolit Bishoy's website. Both historical and logical. Personally, I am not against relations with the Eastern Churches, but when they try to convert us, we must be able to r…