I have a Great website defending Christianity plz check it out

edited December 1969 in Faith Issues
Hi I have recently finished my website defending Christianity can you guys plz check it out and let me know what you  think, and if you can sign the guestbook. Thank you



  • I've read your site, congratulations.

    The subject you are discussing is a big one. You are entitled to think and believe what you chose, but it involves you in a responsibility towards others.

    If you can accept my comments please tell me, I have some.

  • forgive me, but I must ask... what is the point of this?

    if I dont believe God exists, the last thing I will do is look online for "personal opinionated websites"
    not only that, but even all of the pictures that you have on there, they would make me more atheist... I dont have the resources, and I can replicate 90 percent of these pictures, we copts take a thought to be miracle and run with it for miles.

    if you want to defend Christianity, then defend the attacks against her, Evolution, believe it or not, is one of the LEAST attacked, discuss problems that people fight us in the bible, discuss the these things, but I looked at the website and I didn't gain one bit of spirituality.

    and for the videos, c'mon man... I think its a HORRID choice of videos...

    the website NEEDS a lot of work...

    I'm sorry for being harsh, but as a person who went through my atheist phase, when I look at sites like these, I think maybe i should be atheist, because you put a lot info (which btw you need to write where you got them from on the site) but forgot the treasures in the church, if you explain the treasures of the church, people will come more than when "defending" the church...

    that's all I could think of now, please dont be upset,

    neshkor Allah, akhadna el baraka
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