Fasting the Apostle's Fast

Just wondering...

Since the Apostles Fast isn't considered a 'major/'Lordly' fast, does that mean [aside from Weds and Fri] that the weekday fasting should be without abstinence [like the weekend fast?]


  • that's the first time I heard the term 'major fast' ... from  what it know, there are major feasts and minor feasts, I don't of any major/minor fasts
  • we are supposed to abstain till 12 on mon, tue, thurs and 3pm on wed, fri. no abstaining from eating/drinking on weekends (unless u take Holy Communion of course).
    wed and fri are vegan, all other days are vegan plus fish.

    fasting should be discussed with your spiritual advisor/priest.
    most people don't abstain very much coz we are weak and bad at fasting.
    but it's good to build up slowly and if u haven't fasted before to discuss it with a priest or spiritual advisor who is known to/recommended by your priest.

    happy fasting  :)
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