Endurance is a characteristic of the narrow gate. In the spiritual life it has many elements:
* Bearing tribulations, without grumbling
Some may complain, grumble, cry, or weep whenever they fall in tribulations. But St James the Apostle says, "My brethren count it all joy when you fall into various trials" (James 1:2). Bearing tribulations is an aspect of entering by the narrow gate, which leads to various virtues and rejoicing in the Lord. For the Lord in such cases provides a solution for all our tribulations and gives us a blessing and a crown.
How beautiful are the words of St Paul the Apostle, "God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it" (1Cor 10:13).
http://coptichymns.net/mod-pagesetter-viewpub-tid-1-pid-417.htmlMy question is if a person crys during depression does that mean he is not bearing it patiently? U can last long without it but at times u break with weeping. David wept and he was still counted patient right?
I just want to add that, as servant mentioned, we are weak but we should NOT lose faith. ýGod understands our weakness and knows our limits better than we know them. We are ýhumans and sometimes we can only bear so much. ý
Also, The type of tribulation counts. If we are in tribulation because of our faith, then ýGod will send a comforting spirit, just like He did with the saints and martyrs. But if it is ýsomething that we brought to our selves because of sin, unless we start to repent, we will ýNOT find peace.ý
Finally, our spiritual level plays a big roll in this. Someone like St. Anthony who the ýdevils appeared to him and beat him till he was thought dead rejoiced and was patient. ýSomeone like me at the first sign of tribulation not even close to that will probably cry ýlike a baby or complain about God. ý
I hope my usual 2 cents help.ý
IM using my brothers username ,hmmm he might kill me. lol