I've heard a few recorded liturgies in which the lead chanter says some responses that are meant for altar servers. I have heard it from a liturgy with CIA and another with Boles Malak (I believe).
Does anyone know what the deal with that is? I am assuming (and am very confident) that there wasn't a shortage of chanters. . .so why are they saying altar responses while serving as chanters??
I was expecting a quick reply on this one. . .
It really doesn't make sense - why are some chanters also saying the responses that are for 'deacons'?
.....everything ;)
what responses exactly are you talking about??
I don't remember.
otlobo for the departed i say it the long way outside sometimes depending also on who is serving in the altar.
Not to derail the thread, but do you by any chance have a recording of this hymn besides the HICS 1971 version?
I have an old record of Fr Bishoy Kamal in Sporting Alexandria where an entire additional section was said during the epiclesis by the outside deacon solo and the remaining outside deacons responded with Tinahti Amen. I initially thought it was one of the inside deacon but you can tell from the voice that it was not the inside deacons. I have never found the text of this additional section. I think this is one more example of the hymn school of Alexandria (mostly under Muallem Habib) is different the Cairo school (under Muallem Mikhail Batanooni) and the Sahidic school (under Muallem Tawfik Youssef). I think this is similar to what you are describing. I would not be surprised if the liturgy you speak of was performed in Alexandria.
Many men wear the badrosheen (however you spell it) just because all the other older men wear it, and I don't even think they're ordained as Epsaltos. The lead deacon in our church can't even read Coptic, which really bothers me a lot. Church levels shouldn't be about age. It's just one of things that if you're not doing right, then just stop.
Sorry if I got off topic, it's just that some things we do in church are very wrong.