check the video out also if the cherobim and seraphim gaurd Gods throne what do they Gaurd it from?
I dont understand what can be a Danger to Gods throne? also is this video true or fake? what would happen when it is found i know its in Revelations but can somone explain.
The Cherubim and Seraphim unceasingly praise God saying, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of Sabaoth Heaven and Earth are fully of your Glory and Honor". Our Lord doesn't need anyone to guard Him from anything, if He did, He wouldn't be God ;)
I don't know anything about the ark of covenant being found or it's reference in Revelation.
ILSM is a grumpy person, ignore him.
The Cherubim and Seraphim unceasingly praise God saying, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of Sabaoth Heaven and Earth are fully of your Glory and Honor". Our Lord doesn't need anyone to guard Him from anything, if He did, He wouldn't be God ;)
I don't know anything about the ark of covenant being found or it's reference in Revelation.
I've heard of so many supposed current locations for it. The most common one I've heard is that it is possessed by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and is constantly guarded by a monk.
That was two comments.
Indiana Jones found it. It is in a huge US Government warehouse.
they won't let u check it out, even for huge sums of money or threats of genocide.
so best forget about it till u get to heaven, then u can ask God.
(if u r not too distracted by falling down in worship and seeing all the beauty of heaven)