Great Espateer during the Pope's departure period

edited December 1969 in Hymns Discussion
HG Bishop Youssef will be praying the feast of the Resurrection liturgy with us this year.  We would have normally chanted the long Espateer, both because of his presence as well as because of the feast.

We are not sure though that the standard words of the hymn are befitting now that our beloved Pope has departed.  I am trying to get an opinion on singing the hymn for the Bishop only, skipping over the Pope's part.  So we would say "... kata ettaxis em melchicedek, pen yout ethouab en episkopos ava..."

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated...


  • If a bishop is present, then you may sing “Espateer” with skipping the verse for the pope and sing the part for the bishop. If a bishop is not there, do not sing it at all even if there is a feast.


  • Great!!! Thank you for the information and the reference.

    God bless...
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