
edited December 1969 in Hymns Discussion
Hi. Can someone find me a recording of Chilung said during the resurrection?


  • When is this hymn sung? I've never heard of it.
  • Sorry I meant chiouni. Auto-correct was on.
  • It was said in the Cathedral this year for the Feast of Resurrection. Muallem Fahim has a recording but he says it a little bit differently than the most agreed upon way. Muallem Ibrahim has a recording from this years feast. It is the same tune as Tarh el Fa3ala for Kiahk
  • Can you try to find me a recording? Thank you in advance.
  • Here is a link from the Cathedral liturgy in 2010 with the thrice reposed H.H. Pope Shenouda III, Cantor Ibrahim Ayad, and the cathedral chorus:

  • during a hymns class, maalim Ibrahim said that this hymn has a spot in the annual days liturgy aswell. 
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