I feel like most sin our lives (at least mine) is caused by other people. For example, you see a deacon from church in a bar talking to a prostitute. One of two things will automatically pop in my head. 1) This deacon is bad and shouldn't be here..or..2) He's a saint. He is talking to that prostitute about Christ, and bringing her closer to the church.
My question is this: Where do you draw the line about what you think this person is doing?
I know that the 'correct' answer is to not think anything about person, which I think is almost impossible.
I feel like we take the whole "do not judge" thing a little too far.
Going back again to the judgment. Judgement is saying that the person is bad and going to hell. Bringing a person up ina conversation leads to this very quickly so be careful. When you see a brother doing something wrong, judge the action by God's standard, pray for the person and ask God to forgive them, and pray for yourself that God grants you humility and strength not to fall into the same sin.
Khristos Anesty
(for a serious response, the one above is great...)
In the absence of additional information, we can only judge this way. Unless a deacon from church comes the authority of the bishop, he has no business going to bars to minister God's word. He is not Jesus Christ going to sinners homes for their salvation. St John the Short went to Paesa's house to save her from her adulterous life, ONLY under the blessing and direction of all the elders of Shiheet.
There is no such thing as an emergency intervention. Such action only hurts the deacon from church.
Now you're question was about judging in particular. Judging is not forbidden under all circumstances. It is judging without authority or justification that is the sin. It is consequence of wrongly judging that is dangerous. Even if I am justified to judge a deacon should not be in a bar talking to prostitutes, I will naturally have a negative effect. I will view him differently in church and possibly call him a hypocrite. Other negative consequences may occur that leads me to sin more. Now we're back to more sinning. We've entered a viscous circle.
The only solution is neither go to places of questionable holiness AND don't judge without authority or justification.