Rite and Hymns of Engagements

Hello everyone,

I looked up this rite in the text library and didn't find anything. I was wondering what the order of the hymns and responses were. Thank you very much and take care.


  • 3 amens, thanksgiving prayer and khen-efran :-)
  • Is there a verses of the cymbals?
  • I guess let me be more specific.

    + Epouro (or the processional hymn of the season)
    + Declaration of the Betrothal (Engagement) - similar to the wedding ones with the amens
    + Thanksgiving Prayer followed by Khen efran (after khen efran, there should be NOTHING said like those parts in the wedding).
    + There are some priest prayers that can be said where the deacons respond with Kerie Leison.
    + Then conclusion and procession out.
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