Coptic Language?

edited December 1969 in Random Issues
I know that Coptic language came from egypt, , and I'm looking for a couple words that you guys may know in the language.
Words like Earth, land, ground, sand, dirt, ect.

All I would like to know is how to pronouce them, spelling in english characters would be cool too if thats possible, but i know that may not be possible so just how to pronunce them would be great, not worrying about the spelling.

Thanks For your Help!


  • Earth, land, ground, sand, dirt in English Language = "Kahi" in Coptic Language
  • efiom means sea
    piri means sun
    pi oh (pronounce the "H") mean moon
    foostiir means light
  • foosteer means star and it's Greek.

    Piioh (not pioh) means moon.

    sand is pisho in Coptic.

    Land can also be tikhora but it is usually pikhahi.
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