A friend once told me "if you want to make God laugh, plan something" and it seems so true. Ever plan something for the next year? how did that turn out? not very successfull. I just wanted to share this quoute with you guys and see what you thought!
1. I'm Gonna go to Uni and become a doctor
2. Wait to yrs, then marry
3. Work 10 hrs a day and raise kids.
4. etc....
that kinda long term planning
So the quote of "If you want to make God laugh, plan something" hold true because you can never be certain of your future as only He knows.
just my 2 cents :)
pray 4 me
u cant exactly plan what u want, can u? it just sort of happens. I hear a lot of teachers who said they never planned to become teachers, but here they were teaching and not making much money and stressed to the point of collapse (as egyptians say: "ro7a fe manakherha")
and yes, that does look like a dollar, not two cents (depending on where u are, that could be a LE!)