Full Deacons

Do our deacons go to seminary? (full deacons) Are there seminaries outside Egypt for those with weak Arabic? My spiritual father said deacons aren't asked to be ordain like priests and bishops are from laity and monastics, but rather they ask to work and serve the Church. Any other info is appreciated as well. God Bless. Pray for me


  • Full deacons should be ones that are consecrated for service. If they go to a seminary, than that's a plus for their salvation and their service. Also, deacons cannot choose to be deacons but they can refuse when they are chosen. This is actually like priests to. 
  • no, they don't always need to go to seminary.
    they don't all become priests either, though some do later.

    i know someone who was just ordained full deacon!
    he is studying orthodox theology now.
  • Are you one hundred percent sure mina? I'll check that over with my priest but I think he said they ask.
  • A full deacon, a person who is consecrated to give the blood is one that is does nothing else other than serve in Church. He also cannot get married again. Our Church cannot force people to serve in any way. 
  • So can a full be deacon be ordained without being an Epideacon prior?
  • no.
    but they can be ordained a subdeacon (epidiacon) and then deacon in the same service.
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