Place: The Hayes Conference, Swanwick, Alferton Derbyshire DE55 1AU
Time: 25th, 26th and 27th July 2014 (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday)
Father Mark Aziz: Proto-priest of St Mark Church Scotland since 1996, Master of Theology at Aberdeen University (2005), Ph D researcher in Biblical Counseling at Trinity College (2009).
Father John Muster: Priest of St Bega Church, Keswick Cumbria and author of several books explaining faith. He has made a lifelong study of early Christianity in the British Isles and Ireland.
Father Stephen Freeman: The priest of St Ann Church in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA with an M.A. in Theology from Duke University (1991). He is the author of numerous published articles and the book, Christianity in a One-Story Universe.
Professor Joseph Faltas : He is the chair in Patristic Center which was established 1979 with a PhD in Patrology from Athens University. He serves in many conferences and churches around the world
Christianity is not a religion, it is not also just a faith or jurisdiction or cult it is all of these and none of these, Christianity is a continuous invitation from God, almighty God, to man. It is a love invitation to share his glory his knowledge and his eternity.
Christianity, as when started, as native pure and clear, it was simple but in its simplicity it shacked strongly the high thrones of all the philosophical minds and within few years human mind realized that he had to give in to the utmost knowledge of God the Logos. Not on basis of philosophical battles, or physical miracles but on one base only which is the miracle of Love. Love is, and will always be, the Truth and Both are one in Orthodox Christianity.
Orthodoxy is science, it is not only a continuation of how the Native Christianity stated but it is the continuation of the same invitation of love and continuous trial and strive of understanding and living Love. When the world nowadays is in suffer and labor pains all current religions continue to fail to deliver to it the lost peace and unity, religions seem to many to be a neuropsychiatric illness but Orthodoxy is the treatment.
I invite you dearest earnestly to explore this treatment course for the lost worldly peace, truth and comfort and explore within it this science...Orthodoxy, knowing that if there is a God, He should listen and talk to you, He also should touch your heart with His Glory for His Glory