I'd just like to know how the animals survived in the Ark for so long without eating one another?
How did they live together?
How did the lion live for so long without any food.
What food did they eat or feed the animals?
Where did they put the animal waste? Where did the animals go to the toilet??
It must have smelt so bad?
God tells Noah to design an Ark and gives him the exact measurements. As if its an engineering project. OK. Where in the design is it for Animal waste? Surely, to stay in the Ark for so long, the animals needed to go to the toilet??
So it takes two distinct outlooks in those stories that piece together an otherwise hard story by today's secular standards.
Where Noah's physical and engineering capacity could do no more, God intervened miraculously in the rest to sustain life and keep the ark afloat.
I understand it's convenient to expect answers to every question we have of scripture, but sometimes a secular, less spiritual reading (which I'm not saying you engaged in) will hinder our understanding of God's sovereignty intermixed with our responsibility.