I am coptic. Because I thought a coptic would not marry me for my own reasons and because I stereotyped Coptic people and it is explained in a message of apology I want to send I did a very foolish action of pressuring a coptic girl I met at a church event to go on a date (I said it on Facebook after messaging her many days) or I will go on a date with someone else I was told I could be setup with and they are Catholic. I made it seem I was optimistic that they would marry me because I was not sure the coptic I was talking to really liked me and because of my views
I was going to say in the apology I wanted to date a catholic because of complicated reasons I can't explain now but because I thought I would be serving God even if I wouldn't be
Even my dad said I acted very stupid to her but I made him forgive me and understand me
I am making this post because we are still friends on Facebook because she said our friendship is important to her but she does not think she is suitable but if I send the apology I think she will block me. I just feel even if she finds someone she may reject them until they are able to heal my wound. That's the problem with girls. Marriage is not about finding someone who thinks you are perfect for anyone but just for them. And it is the joy of starting a family and bringing joy to God and to have a partner to help in your weaknesses. I feel I need to apologise because I never found anything wrong with her that needs to be permanent but I may be willing to accept that if she does not change she is perfect enough for me so I feel bad to give her wrong self esteem issues
It was the dumbest move that needed an explanation to say to a girl I am thinking to date someone else
This happened a long time ago but not too long ago
I have other things to say in the apology with my reasons why I think I may be able to try to get with her again if she is willing because it depends on God
Can you tell me in one sentence what the problem is??
But the problem is in the sin. If it's jealousy, then you have to look at the mistake so you are able to deal with it.
Jealousy is competition in othe words winner/loser. So you were frIends with the Coptic girl and beca me friends with Catholic girl weather she is real or not, but it made competition, so coptic girl was the loser and she blocked you.
Not to be surprised by her rejection of this behavior because it's fair enough, but you do have some choses to make and Facebook is a very differcult distance to sort things out. Unless you have met her face to face, then you might need to repent to her on the foolish action if you are serious with her. Any way, these things are a matter of the heart and abouna is the best to talk too, and your future especially with someone else needs to be at its best, with Christ at the head I pray.