HI everyone!
I was raised Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) my whole life; as I got older I realized I didn't know that much about my own religion except that I go to church on Saturdays. So the past few years I started studying and realized how...different SDA teachings were.
I was introduced to Coptic Orthodoxy a few years ago through a coworker and began going only on holidays like New Years and Christmas so I wouldn't upset my parents by "going to a Sunday church". After making more friends I began to go to divine liturgy on Sundays and, after falling in love with the indescribable experience, started studying the teachings of The Church.
I've had small studies and a few questions answered by my friend but I'm wondering how to learn more, become more involved with the church, and maybe in the future convert?
A big stumbling block is my fear of disappointing my parents. They're already hesitant on letting me go on Sundays because in Adventism, worshiping on Sundays is the 'mark of the beast' and if you ask my dad its considered pagan worship. I try to go to the youth meetings on Friday but they say no it's Sabbath. I'm 23 but I still live with them so I don't want to be disrespectful and just go. But how do I continue to worship in the Coptic church and start pulling away from Adventism without hurting my parents?