Hello everyone,
Soon my church will be doing its first fully English sacrament of Holy Matrimony (keeping coptic of course), however I am having some trouble finding the two responses stated in the title sung in English. We have the translated text, however I would like to hear how the response is usually fit into the arabic tune, as often one Arabic word becomes 2-3 English words when translated, making it hard to keep the mapping of the words to the tune original.
Any help would be appreciated, and thanks in advance.
So the annual distribution Melody of “Our Father”, is the “annual wados” tune?
What then are examples of “Festive Adam”
and “annual Adam” tune?
(If it’s the Morning Dox tune, then I’m on the right track..)
Why is that called “Adam”?
Thanks very much
Meaning, when did this come into place?
Why is it sung on Feasts?
Can it be sung on all Lordly Feasts?
Or most importantly, how come those specific tunes go with those specific verses ?!!
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