Is this accepted as the Jesus Prayer by saying the following: "Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me." can this be counted as me saying the Jesus prayer. I can't say the longer version because of blasphemous thoughts and I know I should be able to and I will hopefully.Please pray for me and my weakness
"O My Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, Have Mercy upon me a sinner."
Complexity in prayer isn't the idea. If you look at every Liturgy formulation in our church, it starts out in the exact same format. Personal prayer is what works for you. Say, "The Father of our Lord (cut out God) and Savior Jesus Christ." Start out with an, "Our Lord", then go on and from there. Think of it like building a home: start at the foundation, then the floor, walls, etc. Remember, it's between you and, "Our Lord."
My Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the [Living] God, have mercy on me, I, the/a sinner.