St Bishoy

edited December 1969 in Coptic Orthodox Church
Hey everyone....I have been reading alot about saint Bishoy his life etc...

As he is my favorite Saint, i wanna know more about him ...everyone knows his stories about him carring Christ and washing his feat (the ones that are in the synexarium) but i was wondering if anyone has any other stories that they would like to share, that mabey not everyone knows about? (or photos) ...i have never been to his monastry (or seen it for that matter) ...if anyone has photos please post em.



  • This one is nice...
  • and another
  • I have been to his monastery when I was young...didn't get to see him taking his hands out and shaking people hands :(...I hope I did thou.
    Anyway...I think St. Bishoy is a great saint...that our Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him more than once like that...Hope we all can have even a little bit of that purity that those saints had.
  • IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII LLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEE SAINT BISHOY... he is my favorite... there are a few stories... Ill gather them up and post 'em... oh man you dont know how much I LOVE HIM..
  •'t wait for your posts socoolbishoy !

    I Love St Bishoy too...He has helped me out in some difficult times, and he is such a great Hero for Marianne said i wish i had some of his virtues too.

  • Hey Shnoods and SocoolBishoy,

    *Look, saint bishoy resembles alot*

    In our church for an occasion we had a play presented to every1 in the church it was about how Jesus could be in a form or shape of some1 else, well that's like St. Bishoy's story. ok well, here are some of the forms or/and shapes they played the role for:

    *2 blind guys*
    *A guy wanting to come in to use the bathroom*
    *A women wanting to come in*

    These are just a few of the roles, but as you see God can be in any shape or form but St. Bishoy wanted to help any1 he is so AWESOME and COOL and so spiritual no1 is really like him in the real world besides the spiritual world but in the play people were waiting for God but God was in many shapes/forms but St. Bishoy accepted any1 in need of help I love him SUPER MUCH!
  • I love anba bishoy a lot he is a great saint, is so humble and kind, even when all the monks would not carry the old man (Jesus) up the mountain, he was the only one who did.
    Also in the commemoration of the saints (ilmagma3) he is called "the righteous perfect man, the beloved of our good savior" :)
    heres some pics
  • (some1 posted this pic before on the pic forum but the admins deleted a lot of the pics)
  • WooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooWWWW

    Thats soo great guys.....I think there are alot of things we can learn from his life and alot of qualities we should imitate in our own lives. He is definatly a truly great example for Christian perfection. He truly was a great saint who our church recognises, his christian perfection by saying "rightious and Perfect man"...

    Can some one tell me the story about how he would shake peoples hands?....ive heard bits and peices..

    thanks again guys I LOVE THIS THREAD!!
  • If u have ever been to his monastery in Egypt...there is like a place where his body is kept, like all the body not pieces like any other saint and they have his picture over that thing...I have that picture but it had like all my family in it in front of his body...if I can get to cut the family out and show u what I am talking about I will try doing that...LOL...but anyway...I guess he use to like get his hand out of that place and shake everyone's hands...but it stopped...I don't know the whole story of why tht if anyone has more information tht would be helpful...i will try to get tht pic for u guys.
  • i heard that it stopped because people were cutting/taking pieces of his hair and clothes or whatever they could get to get more blessing from him, so they were in a sense ruining the body, so the monks in the monastary then covered the box he was in, so noone could say hi to him anymore
  • I don't think the whole body was open like that...I think it was all closed and he just gets his hands it's like in an ambouba ( tube...srry i am not really sure how to say tht in english)...maybe i am wrong in feel free to correct

    I can't get to attach the picture because it on bmp (paint) and it's not one of the allowed if anyone know how to switch it to one of the allowed ones like jpg or something...tht would help...or if anyone want to see it..u can just pm me and I will try to email it or attach it or anything.
    God Bless.
  • ya i could be wrong im not sure....

    double click on the bitmap picture, it opens with windows pic and fax viewer usually, go to the bottom u will see a small purple disk symbol, click on it, go to where it says "save as type" click "jpeg" then hit ok

    if that doesnt work try renaming the file then adding .jpeg at the end or try right clicking the file properties and see if you have the option to save as jpeg/jpg
  • Ok let's try it this's not that good because I erased the people in it lol...thanks PrincessMary for the help..Shnoods did it anyway...Thanks
  • Our church in Adelaide (Australia) is named after St. Bishoy... St. Mary and Anba Bishoy Coptic Orthodox Church.

  • Imagine us starting a thread about Eachin Siant in the coptic church!!!! LOL the site would be HUGE (esp if we add 49 for the 49 elders of Sheheet, the 318 assembled at Ephsus, etc... lol)

    Anba Bishoi is a GREAT Saint, his body did not decompose as he was promised from God. He was known to tie his hair to a rope so that if he falls asleep while praying, hs hair would get pulled and he would wake up again. He was, and I am sure still is, a GREAT friend of Anba Bola of Amoh (that's why we mention them together in the Hitens)

    As for The stroy of him shaking people's hands, He used to do it up untill the mid 1900s. When a person attended and wanted to shake his hand with bad intentions (Not sure what exactly, but that was the man's intention) So Anba bishoy held his hand and wouldn't let go untill the man confessed his intentions and the monks started praying till he let his hand go. The man was an important government official. So they decided to stop this practice to avoide further problems.

    My aunt has a picture with his hand in it though, he seems to do that if he is happy with the person taking the picture.
  • the hand story.... hmmm... he was stopped by the head of the monastary... because they have such power... just like saint abanoub was forbidden from apearing for sometime... so priest, and bishops have such power....
  • hey
    that sounds like a cool picture can you post it (the one with his hand)?

  • Sorry, My aunt is in Egypt and I strongly doubt she will send it to me (she doesn't have it scanned) Sorry, i am sure someone else has a picture like it :-\
  • hay guys
    i luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv st bishoy 1 of the maddest saints. for all the reasons mentioned and more i think he is cool. got to carry Jesus wow imagine that anyways yar i herd bout that story as well well i herd that yar sum1 wanted to do it for a bad intention or sumfin and s bishoy woodnt take his hand out and then from then on i think it was pope shenouda III said he wasnt allowed to do it anymore no w8 i dunno mayb not pope shnooda umm mayb sum1 else i dunno but thats wat i herd bt i think thats awesome and a half

    heres a pic of the monastry in egypt
  • btw gr8 topic shnoods :D LONG LIVE SHNOODS.... LONG LIVE SHNOODS... WE LOVE SHNOODS lol

    here is ta original pic u c everywhere most common :)

    GB ALL
  • This is a story about St. Bishoy teaching the monks about the Holy Trinity:

    During his days, an ascetic old man appeared in the mountain of Ansena, who was reputed for his righteousness and to whom many people gathered. But he deviated from the true faith and the devil lead him astray. He taught that there is no Holy Spirit, and many were deceived by his sayings. Anba Bishoy heard about him, and he went to him and he had with him a weaved basket with three ears. When he visited the old man and his followers, they asked him about the reason for making three ears for the basket. He answered, "I have a Trinity, and everything I do, is like the Trinity." They said to him, "Then, Is there a thing called the Holy Spirit?" Then he started to explain to them from the Holy Scriptures, from the Old and New Testaments. He indicated to them that the Holy Spirit is One of the three Persons of the Trinity. He convinced them, and they returned to the true faith. Then he returned to his monastery in the wilderness of Scete (Shiheet). When the barbarians invaded the wilderness, he left it and dwelt on Mount Ansena, where he departed. After the time of persecution had ended, they brought his body with the body of St. Paul of Tamouh to his monastery in the wilderness of Shiheet.

    May his prayers be with us. Amen.

  • On the 8 th of the Coptic month Abib, the Church celebrate :

    The Departure of St. Anba Bishoy.

    On this day, St. Bishoy, whose memorial is honorable, the star of the desert, departed. He was born in a town called Shansa in Egypt, and he had six brothers. His mother saw an angel in a vision saying to her, "The Lord says to you, give Me one of your children to serve Me." She answered, "Lord, take whoever you want." The angel took the hand of Anba Bishoy, who was thin and his body was frail. His mother told the angel, "My Lord, take one who is strong to serve the Lord." "This is whom the Lord has chosen," answered the Angel.

    Later on, St. Bishoy went to the wilderness of Shiheet and became a monk by the hand of Anba Bemwah (Bamouyah), who also ordained St. John "Yehness" the Short a monk. St. Bishoy struggled in much asceticism and many worships that made him worthy to see the Lord Christ.

    Emperor Constantine appeared to him in a vision, saying, "Had I known how great is the honor of monks, I would have abandoned my kingdom and became a monk." St. Bishoy told him, "You have banished the heathen worship and exalted Christianity, and has not Christ given you anything?" Emperor Constantine answered him, "The Lord has given me many gifts, but none of them is like the honor of the monks."

    During his days, an ascetic old man appeared in the mountain of Ansena, who was reputed for his righteousness and to whom many people gathered. But he deviated from the true faith and the devil lead him astray. He taught that there is no Holy Spirit, and many were deceived by his sayings. Anba Bishoy heard about him, and he went to him and he had with him a weaved basket with three ears. When he visited the old man and his followers, they asked him about the reason for making three ears for the basket. He answered, "I have a Trinity, and everything I do, is like the Trinity." They said to him, "Then, Is there a thing called the Holy Spirit?" Then he started to explain to them from the Holy Scriptures, from the Old and New Testaments. He indicated to them that the Holy Spirit is One of the three Persons of the Trinity. He convinced them, and they returned to the true faith. Then he returned to his monastery in the wilderness of Scete (Shiheet). When the barbarians invaded the wilderness, he left it and dwelt on Mount Ansena, where he departed. After the time of persecution had ended, they brought his body with the body of St. Paul of Tamouh to his monastery in the wilderness of Shiheet.

    May his prayers be with us. Amen.

  • St. Bishoy
  • St. Bishoy
  • Anba Bishoy
  • :o ;) :D wow safaa gr8 and i mean gr8 stuff man GBU:)

    GB ALL
    GOD IS GR8!!
  • St.Bishoy is an incredible saint heres my favorite icon of saint bishoy
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