If I know some sins I commited each week should I confess it immediately.. should I confess every week? I feel like ill be wearying (if thats a word) my FOC (He seems very nice to me but I feel I know him that he will get weary because my confession may not seem very serious because my confession is very short and it doesnt seem im really embarassed but I smile in it since he is smiling at me.. ... Im only serious the day I commit these sins.. by then im a bit over it because I feel God accepts me but I just need absolution... know what I mean?
If you meant that your committing new sins each week, and your afraid of bothering abouna, then let me tell you one thing: his job IS to listen! NEVER EVER think you are a nuissance to abouna. Even if you are there smiling, cracking jokes (as i usually do) or crying, he is LISTENING. After all, the fact that you are confessing to abouna about your sins is a great enough indicator that you are sorry for your wrongdoings and you are going to make an effort to not commit them again. This brings a smile to abouna's face, not weariness...the only time abouna would get weary is when you have numerous wrongdoings and you DONT confess them....i encoruage you, if you dont commit the same wrng doings on a regular basis or your finding that you have a weakness towards a certain temptation, by all means, talk to your FOC
Now, you also said you're worried about abouna thinking your not serious about your confessions. if your afraid of being judged by abouna, i wouldnt worry too much b/c abouna is not there to judge you...remember he also has weaknesses of his own so he is in no position to judge you. Also, he's there to help you...so, the last thing on his mind is the way you are expressing your confession...he's focused more on what your saying and how you dealt with your sin at the time
bye marina
But I mean, going every week is better than not going at all...so yea...
I wouldn't say that all abounas are the same...but Priesthood give them the same duties and one of them is for the sacrement of confession...to listen to ur sins and give u an absolution so u could take communion and follow on ur path of repentance..
Persobally, my abouna tells me everytime I confess that if I need to talk to him abount anything, he is always there..he even told me to call if I want to tell him something right away....but that's just my abouna...what I am getting at is, he is always there for u...he would NEVER be bored of u talking to him...come on...he is ur spiritual FATHER...who can get bored of listening to his children...no one of course...especially that God granted him that gift of listening and giving u advices in ur life.
You were saying that you find yourself not being serious when talking to him about sins and stuff...The only thing u need to be serious about is that u are truely repenting...that u aren't just going there for just going there....that inside of you..you are really sorry for what u did and you are truly commited to changing yourself and become a better person....like I said before...he is ur father...imagine yourself going to ur father (not abouna...like ur real father) and being all serious when u talk to him and stuff..no one of us does that...so ya u can smile or say w/e ...it's ok....but just be serious in ur repentance in front of God (your one true father)
thanx marina
thanks Marriane any sugestions how i could improve it!!! im thinking to hand one out to youth meeting people in my church but not until i think it would be good enough to use
thanx marina
maybe include a daily schedule...so like at the end of the day..there is something to write...then the one u have now...can be a weekly summary (just points that they need to confess about)...tht could work
who said that having confessions once a week is a drag lol i know wat u mean abouna might not take it seriousli. but il ask u one thing; how many OTHER confessions does he take that week, how many OTHER people does he see that enquire about their problems and u think that he'll see u as another one of those silly confessions?? lol- no of course not. abouna actually will admire ur willingness to confess and ur willingness to take up the time and see him every week.
hope it helped
and please pray 4 me guys
i feel that it's REALLY wierd to write sins down on a piece of paper it IS so annoying 2 me dunno y but i don't like it at all
oh ok ....i really cant go confession without writting something down, i get tounge twisted n forget to talk!!! ;D ;D but every1 is different...
tell me how you people go with the timetable or if u have any suggestions how i can make it better!!! PLZ marina
hey guys i drew this up myself PLZ PLZ use it....it has helped me
i cant see it :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
we only go with sunday school once a month
and most of the time they forget