sometimes I might think thoughts I do not want to think about saints... and for this reason I sometimes say ? a prayer in my head and then say ? something like... through the intercessions of St Mary, the Holy Saints, the Holy Angels, the Holy Guardian angel for me and, the Holy Spirit quickly... because when it is slow I might swear in my head... But I do not think I have anything against this saint maybe.. (but still maybe I do not respect the saint enough or God)
I think its because of years of living in the world maybe...
osrry can u repeat the topic again..but being alittle bit more clearer...sorry!!
if u sincerly mean it, i can garuntee u- you'll b able to pray. so anytime it happens. just stop, say those few words untill you reach some sort of inner peace within you
hope i helped
mazza ;)
I might not have OCD though...
Then, keep repeating the prayer over and over until you are completely focused on the topic in the prayer.