not take a step forward or bak when in relation to FASTING...
make sure u tell your confession father if u want to go alittle bit more or a little bit less in regards to fasting...
there was once a monk that when he was fasting, thought that he could take it to the next stage ithout confronting his FOC and ate nothing for a day,,,then two..then three and so on...then started thinking that he was a saint...then he was a hermit...and that he would see the angles...
then...he had told the monks at the time that he was told that he was going to go to heaven on a chariot just like elijah....
so on that day...he went up a mountain and there he invited everyone to see him depart on a chariot....
then the chariot came...and once he stepped in....
and broke his leg....
all this from taking an extra step in fasting wirhout telling his confession father!! ;)
Coptic Servent
God bless you tayeb...
but all soo true....any1 have any experiences like that they want to share...
I do not believe that any of us have reached the stage where fasting, in its true sense and meaning, becomes a desire and a passion we cannot resist. The Fathers have used discernment in such occasions, sometimes encouraging and sometimes preventing the person, according to his spiritual life and how they judge it. Vanity is their main concern.
and know i know that i cant do anything me...
pride is very dangerous imagine like hv u heard be4 that humbleness is the most thing by which u can beat the devil? that's what saint Anthony did ! when the devils would come to him and say oh now u r good and u can defeat us he'd answer who am i, i can't beat you.
i thought i was good enough to go without EATING AT ALL...thorughout a certain time of the DAY>>>>
LIKE A WEEK IN>>>>I FULLY GAVE UP and started eating MEAT!!...if i had not taken the extra step without being ready...i would of fasted the WHOLE FASTING!!
btw i hv a Q if it's like in the fast of st mary should we fast wednesday n friday without fish