Sir 7ayatna

edited April 2006 in Hymns Discussion
Anyone know the lyrics for 'Sir 7ayatna'? Please and thank you. ;D


  • do you mean the song "2albo 7nayen"?
    the refrain goes:
    sir 7ayatna da howa yasoa3 benranmha bsot masmo3
    howa el-kelma wae howa alla howa bro7o 3atana 7aya

    if that's the one, let me know and i'll send you the lyrics.
  • i have the lyrics for that too, theres also another song called "rabena mawgood howa dah she3arna howa sir hayatna mahfooz gowa elobna"....etc

    Alboo henayen

    1-alboo henayen, hoboh yebayin
    In saleeboh kan takfeer
    aan khatayana mat we fadana
    na'amah ghaneya we hob kebeer

    refrain: sir hayatna dah howa yasoo3
    be ne-ranemha be sowt masmoo3
    howa el kalema howa allah
    howa be rowhoh a'atana haya

    2-west el mehna be sor3ah lamahna
    yasoo3 el helw we galna awam
    al fee we'3o'do in wegoodoo
    tamalee ma3ana aman we salam

    3-nada 'aleena we ba'ah leena meena
    we morsa we shat we folk naga
    serna safeena fe yad ameena
    ta'laa el mowga we ne'ala ma'ah

    4''ein tehrosna we eyd tewaseena
    we hay-3adeena le had sama
    mahma el ghorba teban leena sa3ba
    ha tersee el markeb we ha-nel2ah

  • Do you have the audio for albo 7enyan?
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