pray for me!

edited December 1969 in Personal Issues
hi all,

i am really sorry to bother any of you but i needed advice in something, ok, now at school my enlgish teacher gave us a program to do some comprehention things from it and everything i do its WRONG(not litarly everything)and i get really low grades and i talked to her a couple of times and she doesn't wanna give me any extra credit work or any alternative assigments to do instead of this and i don't know what to do!! and i already have a C in this class and i really need help! :'(



  • [sub]Oh, wow Sandra. That's horrible. Keep showing interest in this topic and the teacher will know that you are really trying. Maybe then she will see things for a couple of different ways. If you have a counselor, talk to him/her and see if they can schedule any time to talk with you and you can explain the situation. They can usually help. Try staying after school to get help and keep asking. Questions can only make you smarter. It's ok to not understand something and comprehend it at first, but when that happens you want to be able to contact someone and talk to them about it, more likely to be an older brother/sister, or your teacher, or your parents, or just an older friend. That always works for me. It won't hurt you at all and do extra things for her. Like offer to help her out with some things or if she needs any help. That way she will understand and sometimes teachers can cut you some slack when you can help them out too. How mean is this teacher, like honestly? No exaggeration whatsoever. If you ever need help with your homework or anything, PM me. I don't mind. I'll be on more often than I have been on. Good luck and I will for sure pray for you. Remeber to have a psalm memorized to say before a test, read the bible before you sleep for the test(night), don't doze off in class, ask for help, ask your friends, ask other teachers, PRAY PRAY PRAY PRAY, and also pick a saint for each class to help you. That works a lot. Always pray for Pope Kyrollos cause he did a lot of miracles related to this.

    love lots,
  • CopticChica, you gave an awesome response and i agree with you. I just want to add on thing. i had a similar situation for one of my classes and had my mom come in to speak with both the counsler and the teacher (at the same time). since then, the teacher gave me the attention i need and tried to help me out, she was tough, but she realized i need help. rabena ma3aky and if you need any help in your assignments or anything, i would be happy to help you as well, but you have to pray for me too, i got finals this week.
  • thank you both for replying and i really appritiate you trying to help me, but i'll try what u guyz have said and btw, that teacher doesn't accept any help fro students except if i have detention with her she will only make me help out. and the thing isn't helping ME only the whole program is messed up and i talked to my cousler and he said he's gonna see what he can do but that was like a month ago, but he never did anything! :'(
    i need ur prayers! :-[

  • k ill pray for u, and u pray for me ;)
  • same goes for me. please pray for me as well. keep trying sandra. god won't leave you if you try. josephgabriel, NICE PIC!!

    love lots,
  • ok, thank you guyz! :D


  • thanks for the compliment coptic chica, urs is nice too ;)
  • I'll pray for you, but listen prayer isn't the only thing you have to do.

    Niether is studying. I used to fail class such as Science, Social Studies, and Reading!

    Now I get A+'s on em. The key is that I used to rush my work, now I don't.

    You also have to pay attention in class during lessons, I did thats and now I get 1st honors ( or high honors to some people ).

    So don't rush you work and listen to class lessons and just make a review and don't study to hard.

    Just take a shower study for like 20 minutes and your done that's it but it's not really studying it's understanding.

    So i'll pray for you that you don't get good grades but concentrate in school work.
  • May God grant success to you sandrahanna with the intercessions of HH St Pope Kyrillos VI and the Great Martyr Mar Mina.

    Can I give you some advice about answering comprehension?
    First make a light cross + at top of your paper (it can be invisible to anybody but God sees it), close your eyes a second and make a quick prayer asking God for help and blessings, then:
    1. as you read, underline each verb and understand its use in the context of the text
    2. divide the text into logically related events, draw a / lightly using a pencil between these events
    3. lightly double underline the main characters, dash underline others
    4. divide long sentences into smaller ones by using any light symbol you like
    5. read the text 2 times, then all the questions first (don't try to answer yet), some questions may be related
    6. now start to answer each question by spotting answers from within the text areas you just read, avoid over or underanswering
    7. leave questions with indirect or generally not obvious answers to be answered after the obvious ones, sometimes answers may require more elaborate logical step by step explanations, so avoid too long sentences or paragraphs (use full stops better than commas) let it look tidy and clear to be easily read
    8. train yourself because you must not waste time in steps 1-4

    In general train yourself to read and write faster, learn more vocabulary (correct for dictation) as you read more. Make your own dictionary of newly learned words and verbs in a notebook, add to it every day, rewrite them on draft.

    Try to work a little more: it gets faster and much easier the more you put effort to train yourself.

    If you think your teacher is against you for any reason God will change the situation to your side. Try to understand her. Use patience, normal respect and always do your best anyway.
  • but the thing is the its online i can't underline or do a cross i just say a quick prayer and go on but i guess it never works!

  • Then I suggest you ask your teacher to provide you with some comprehension printed out, or a similar software on CD so that at home or in the library for ex you will have the opportunity to train yourself on a very similar system of text and questions for better performance (and marks).

    Is it ok you may use a draft paper, for ex to quickly write down the verbs, major character names and a word describing each event?

    Is it a problem of not enough time? or a vocabulary one? what do you think is the biggest problem?

    You can still make the small cross with your finger on each screen.

    Don't let the teacher intimidate you: she puts demands on you so that you perform better and faster. If appropriate, ask her if she has an good advice to improve your comprehension skills.
  • Yea thats tough but everyone here has given you great advice so i will just pray for you it will work out have faith and smile god loves you :)
  • the biggest problem is that its like a bar line that goes 384 thats not easy.

    but anyways, thnx everyone for helping because tommorow is my last day of school then i have 2 days of exams and i am not taking her exam!

  • Thats realy hard sandra. I guess you should get help with it from a friend. At least try to keep the C so you can pass.
  • oh i got some EC work but thnx for ur help anyways! :)

  • np :D
  • i know i might be kinda annoying asking you to pray for me alot but this time i am asking everyone to please pray to my best friend in egypt because her grandather just died and i wanted to do a topic about praying for him because he was going to do a surgery but they called and said he's dead..pleeeeease pray for her because i can't get a hold of her. her e-mail isn't working and no one is answering at her house and i don't want her to think that i didn't care!

  • Sandra,

    One piece of advice I would give to help improve your english comprehension is to read. Read anything you can get your hands on. newspapers, books, magazines & articles. Try and read many different topics and any time you don’t understand something ask anybody around you what it means.

    Keep this up and I guarantee you grades will improve.

  • hehe..i might use that advice for next year because am on my break now!

  • hi sandra,
    about your friend whose grandfather has died,may the prayers of the virgin and the saints be with you both.i don`t know how you can contact her as you said that her mail isn`t working but why don`t you try to call her.

    and don`t worry, even if you could not reach her i am sure she knows your feelings and she won`t think that you don`t care.

    god be with you and give your friend strenght.
  • Rabina yer7amoh w'yer7am nefosnah kolena ya sandra. my condolenses, sandra. lawsama7ty wasaly ta3zyaty l'sa7betek... Alah yekoun ma3aha w'ma3 waledeiha. ama enty ba2a... f'mabrouk alf barakah 3al EC wel break!! :) i'm so glad that ur teacher could give u the extra credit - u were kinda freakin out on us!!! ;D ;D congrats!

    salam :)
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