ramadan ( muslim holy month!)



  • Like I said I don't like or dislike the guy...I don't even care about him...I didn't say go throw rocks at him or I judged him or anything...but people constantly mentinoning his name with an abouna and reasurring he is one isn't really helping....THE POPE words are higher than any of us and I think it's very clear that he isn't an abouna anymore...I am just stating a fact...why is that bothering everyone soo much...
  • wut's the link?


    If he really wanted to preach, he could have easily done that in showing an example of what true Christinity is all about.

    what do u mean 'show' that is to do with any christian to be an example but he kinda dedicated his life to tell people about salvation

    so what now? do u want me to go throw rocks at him????

    abona zakria i respcet him, whether he was prostant, babtisied, catholic, greek orthodox, whatever!!!


    3andek ha2 lol u r right

    you dont know his heart dont judge
  • Guys chill..i am not judging anyone here...I am not the one who said abouna zachariah isn't an abouna anymore...the Pope did

    wut's the link?

    here you go...

    What I meant by showing is that if u ever heard him talking about Islam you will hear him saying stuff like their prophet married a bunch of women and blah blah....he points out every single thing in the quran that is wrong....how do u expect someone to just convert because he heard all of that...of course they will go against him and against the whole church.
    When someone PREACH...they actually preach about their own religion not pointing out every single fault in another religion.

    Anyway...this is not the main reason he was excommunicated ...like it explains in the site....he was excommunicated for his protestant ideas...Bentbabayaso3 and mnc_hnn...you guys are free to respect whoever you want....ana msh ba2olokm roo7o eshtemo fi el ragel nor i am doing this myself. I am just stating facts...I am sorry if this upsets anyone but it's the truth.
  • i checked out abona zakaria's website and it is v. nice!
    it has taranem and videos and lots of spiritual things!

    and he is not commiting a crime at all, he is describing a book, and he is trying to save souls!
    i mean u never see st. mary appear on top of a mosque! u never hear of miracles in the muslims religion!!!


    that is his website!

    i still respect him and have much love for him! not just cuz he is talking about the koran and saying stuff abt it, but he talk and speak of the truth and not scared to say it out loud!

    it is like for example:
    Islam say they are not "VIOLENT RELIGION" and when pope benedict said they use weapons and they are violent, out brothers and sisters (muslims) got mad and wanted to kill the catholic pope!!!!

    am i messing somen????

    abona zakaria has the courage to speak the truth and say it out loud and he is not scared!


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