Can I go for a ride?

edited December 1969 in Faith Issues
If I have a friend who has got his P license but he was meant to do 50 hours driving experience before he takes the test to get his P's but he did not but faked that he did 50 hours can I go in the car with him for a drive?

what if he did not do the 50 hours before he took the P test but by now has done much more than 50 hours?

I hope I make sense..


  • well whether or not u go for a ride thats your decision.

    as for your friend he has has signed documents to state that he has completed the mandatory hours. these documents often contain a declaration at the end where you sign attesting that you have not lied to any of the questions - and if u lie, it is often considered an offence punishable by way of a fine or in some cases imprisonment (this is usually stated).

    so i believe that these rules are put in place for your safety - how many more P platers need to die for people to take notice and consider others on the road and also their own safety

    if i were you, that is i were in your position, as a matter of principle i would not ride with this person. not only is he dishonest but he seems to have little regard for the road rules and therefore should not b driving.


  • How is this a Faith Issue ?
  • Its a moral issue is it not?

    and this forum is for subjects on faith, prayer and morals is it not?
  • Mikeforjesus;

    upon inspection of the category description you appear to be right. this category also includes posts regarding morals.

    your question is one of morals and therefore i beleive you have posted in the correct section.

    by the way - did u go for a ride?

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