the MOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

edited December 1969 in Random Issues
hello people girls, boys

i hav been wondering if u were rely aloud to go 2 the movies. lke my parents say they would rather me watch it at home then in movies becuz at the movies they hav a lot of bad stuff. i went befre but rely not a lot a t all. so im wonderin if u r parents del with that. now i dont rely care. i sometimes dont lke to go either but if it was a trip or something waht would u do................ hmmmm

pray for me


  • Well my parents let me go to the movies when ever. but i go to movies they know aren't like bad. i usually go to pg or pg13 movies all the time. i have only been to one rated r movie but it was a comedy and didn't really have that much stuff that was inapropriate. so what we should do is when we are going to see something in theatres we should ask ourselves would Jesus want to come see this movie than go ahead but if he wouldn't then we probably shouldn't go and see it.

    God Bless and Pray for me and my weakness
  • thx for the reply. but wouldny=t jesus never go anyway? hmmm
    sry 2 ask.
  • funny reply of mine.. but stupid
  • yer im allowed to go to the think its just like watchen a movie at home..but one think..UR NOT ABLE TO CaHNGE THE CHANNEL..thats the main difference..and sometimes that holds to be a problem!!

    just think about that..will u actually walk out of the movies if it gets too rude for u???
  • well it did have one part that i didn't like and i covered my eyes the whole time but that was it. the rest of the movie i would say was fine. the language wasn't good but nothing worse than what i hear every single day at school.
  • :) weeeeeeelll mahraeel........ if it was a trip and everything i would go. lets say if it was a trip with ur skool or church
    i would go becuz they r not aloud 2 let u guys watch bad things......... know wat the movie is first and c if it is goood or bad........
    trust me my parents r the same as urs

    love ur sister in christ,
  • i gess. but stil wat i meen even if its the best, movie with nothin bad they stil may not want me to go cz later ppls lke to go more and more and then tempted to see somethin bad. u no wat i mmee. same thing w/ goin on a college campus. sry to ask 2 much.
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