So I was watching...

I was watching the Coptic Movie based on the life of St. Prince Theodore (Tadros) of Shotb

and in one of the scenes, according to the story, a group of people offered their children to a dragon who lived outside the town.

So I hate to say this but the whole "dragon" thing seems a little folkloreish?  I mean what possible animal can this dragon be?

I was thinking the Komodo but it doenst seem likely because their not that big to the point htat the entire village will be scared of it?

Any opnions?


  • If anything it could have been a rather large aligator or crocodile. and remember i am sure people back then where much more afraid of animals then we are now. they didn't really have any sort of protection or knowledge of them until recently. by recently i mean more along the lines of maybe 1700's and on. Possibly earlier this is not an area i know much about. you could be write that it is just a legend that comes about like the dragon in St. George's picture. thats just my opinion.
  • From one of the tapes of HH. Pope Shenouda-

    "St. Tadros of shotb, St. George the prince of martyrs, and St. Marina all have a story about dragons. St. George's is only symbolic, the dragon in his icon represents the devil. However, St. Tadros of Shotb, and St. Marina's weren't symbolic. St. Tadros Of Shotb fought a Giant Dragon as like the one in fairy tails. However, it was the devil in the form of a dragon as dragons aren't real. Same with St. Marina, the dragon that was chewing on her was a giant devil in the form of a dragon."

    Does that explain it?
  • Also one point that is also mentioned by HH is that he says you might be wondering how a devil can be killed by rocks and spears as in the story of St. Tadros. The stones and spears were given to him by an  angel, thus being blessed my him. So like throwing holy water at possessed people, this brought a defeat on the devil. St. Marina overcame the dragon that came to her by prayer. When she was in the dragon's belly, she prayed and was spit out. Aftereward, the dragon died.
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