Adam had two wives?

Ok so i was watchign the History HCannel and according to some scholars
they said something about Two Creatoins IN Genesis 1 and 2,3

SO heres the thing that i found weird:
they siad that Adam at first ahd an evil wife named LILETH???

Can anyone shed some more information about this?


  • This is NOT where in the bible does it mention this....i suggest you read genesis
  • i've read genesis
    and this is why i said it seemed weird
    i asked if any one knew anything about were this myth started from
  • who knows.. with all these wierd things comming out these days..
    never heard of it myself..
  • [coptic]+ Iryny nem `hmot>[/coptic]

    The story of Lilith as Adam's first wife is founded in Jewish mysticism and folklore.  In other words, it's a myth.  There is no reason to believe in the existence of a Lilith outside of scholastic fantasy.  If you want to read about the Lilith myth, just google 'Lilith myth' and you'll find lots of sites about it.
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