Copts Online-Please take part in this !

edited December 1969 in Random Issues

My name is Elizabeth Iskander and I am a PhD student at Cambridge University in the UK.  I am doing research on the  strength of the presence of Copts on the Internet and the ways the Internet can be used as a tool to create and support social and religious networks.  I am writing to ask for your help because without your help and ideas this research cannot succeed.  Below is a link to a questionnaire, it is entirely confidential and anonymous.

I need as many Egyptian Christians as possible, of all ages and living in all countries, to fill in this questionnaire, so please forward this message and link to as many people as you can.  If preferred there is an Arabic version of the questionnaire, please see below for details.

Thank you and God bless!
سلام المسيح لكم

اسمي اليزابيث اسكندر وأنا طالبة دكتوراه في جامعة كامبردج  في المملكة المتحدة و ابحث عن  وجود الاقباط على شبكة الانترنت و دور الانترنت كأداة لتاسيس وتدعيم الشبكات الاجتماعية والدينية 
أكتب اليكم لاطلب مساعدتكم لانه بدون مساعدتكم وأفكاركم هذا البحث لا يمكن ان ينجح. ستجدون وصله اسفل  الى استبيان وهو في غاية السرية

انا احتاج الى اكبر عدد ممكن من المسيحيين المصريين ، من جميع الاعمار ومن جميع البلدان ، لملء هذا الاستبيان و لذلك اطلب منكم بارسال هذه الرسالة و الوصله الى اصدقائكم

شكرا جزيلا و الرب يبارككم!


  • Dear ishta,
    Very comprehensive and concise questionnaire. Best of luck. Keep us updated with the initial survey of the answers. It must benefit us all.
    God bless you and please mention me in your prayers
  • Bless you Ophadece and thanks for the encouragement!  I really appreciate the support of everyone who takes the time to take this survey and help me to publicize it and I hope the results will indeed benefit everyone!

  • Dear ishta,
    I live in the UK, and I thought if you would like I might give you my address, so that you post the questionnaire to me (5 - 10 copies), and I might be able to give them out when I go to church on Sunday. Then I can post them back to you. I hope this helps, and pray that this works out.
    God bless you and pray for me a lot
  • Hi, thanks so much, that is really kind of you!  If you are sure you have time then yes please do send me your address, you can contact me on [email protected]  I really look forward to hearing from you!
    Have a great weekend
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