I know for sure they believe in heaven or hell because if they didn't then there attacks on christians would then be in vain in their minds. if they believe in paradise or hades i don't know, but i know they believe that if they are martyred or are killed while killing the "infidels" they will be rewarded in heaven with 40 virgins. God Help us all.
i was watching this interview once between like diane sawwyer and this muslisuicide bomber-wanna-bee.. and she asked m that.. and he said they believee godd createss them espically for them. soo :/ eh. they're just THERE i guess.
sorry some people might get mad at me for this but yea... i think we should focus on ourselves and our own religion before we go trying to figure out other religions. just my opinion
thats not true. religion is a puzzle, u put all the pieces together and you see the picture, why would i need pieces from another puzzle (religion) to finish the one i have and see the picture?
if you wanna compare different types of christianity then that makes sense or even judiasim to understand some of the traditions in the Bible. But things like, islam,buddism, hinduism, its wouldnt make much sense because islam has twisted everything that the christians believe in, hunduism and buddism are just different and wouldnt help very much when it comes to rediscovering your own religion, you know what i mean?
yeahh.. but i dens't hurt to know about the people around you and what they believe in. I mean you can't put up an arguement if you dont know what your talkign about. you have to know both sides of everything. ya know? likeee if you're trying to talk to someone of another religion and dissude them from it..it's impossible withoutt knowingwhat it is.
again knowing other sects of christianity is great BUT it takes a lot more to turn a Buddhist into a christian, i dont think u should be dissuade anyone from anything, sure talk to them and have a nice conversation and a small argument type thing nothing big but we arent supposed to force Christ on anyone, the Hoy Spirit moves them. Your only Job is to show your a christian and live up to the name, then people will be moved by your actions, if words could move people as effectivly as actions then the Bible would have changed the hearts of millions, dont get me wrong people do convert because of the Bible but most need action. They will just deny everything you say if you just keep arguing and they will think about it in a way where u are trying to persuade them to come to our church, like a competition, ur not trying to be a sales person and sell the religion by saying its real and better than the others, only by showing it can you prove that.
God Bless and Pray for me and my weakness
70 virgins ;)
1. its 40 in the quron but its actually 0.
2. i dont think it really matters
2. i dont think it really matters
Thanks :)
Why is the number 70 significant?
and she asked m that..
and he said they believee godd createss them espically for them.
soo :/ eh.
they're just THERE i guess.
you won't understand yourself or your religon or how things fit together.
just saying.
but i dens't hurt to know about the people around you and what they believe in.
I mean you can't put up an arguement if you dont know what your talkign about.
you have to know both sides of everything. ya know? likeee if you're trying to talk to someone of another religion and dissude them from it..it's impossible withoutt knowingwhat it is.