Pontius Pilate?

What happened to Pontius Pilate later...I heard some story that he repented? after he ordered that Christ be crucified...? does anyone know?


  • Hey Mary,

    There is a tradition that both pontius and his wife both seen in the movie (and st. pontius for some) were martyred for Christ. I heard a story about how Mary Magdalene (not the women in sin ;))converted pontius. She tried to convert him by saying that Christ was risen but he said he was dead in the tomb, how could he be resurrected? She went away and cried and prayed to be able to go back to him with an answer. God answered her prayer and she went back and said to Pontius, is there life in an egg? He thought about it and said yes and Mary responded if there is life in an egg, there could also be life in the tomb and so thats how we get our story about easter eggs.

    A lot of the stuff about them is tradition. There was a story written by latin theologian Terullian about him going and interceeding for Christian in Roman hearings.

    God bless,

  • thats really cool.. i havent heard the story of the egg before!!
  • i think i heard that Pontius Pilate commited suicide in Italy, anyone???
  • I don't think so, his wife is a saint in the synexarium and his is considered to be a martyr.
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