Help Please...

Hi guys,
I'm new to this site in the sense that I have never posted before, but I have been reading all the forums and all the amazing things you guys write on here. I have been learning a lot from all you guys about a wide spectrum of topics.
Now has come the time that I really need your help.
I fell into this little problem and I need some advice.

I am in my first year of college and over the past couple months, I have been a bit detached from my school work, but for a valid reason (at least i think its valid in my mind). I have been spending a lot of time on websites as and listening and reading spiritual hymns and topics trying to grow in my spiritual life but at the same time, my grades in school have plummeted. I use to get good grades before (not a 4.0 gpa or anything) but nothing as bad as what I am getting now. My parents have started to get really upset with me concerning my grades and I feel like I don't have any motivation to study. My parents, like most egyptian parents, don't want me to work because they want me focus on my studies, but I'm not even making ok grades.
Anyways....what you guys think I should do about this matter?....Am I doing something wrong to totally disregard my school work for spiritual knowledge or should I do what would make my parents happy?

Thanks in advance.
Keep me in your prayers


  • I know what you are going through. You need a "To Do list." Second thing is that you need to follow your "To Do list." I am sure that since you are in college, you have a lot of things to do and work on and of course all these things you can not remember so i strongly recommend the "To do list." Next thing is that you need to set some time to go study and leave the house. Go to a coffee shop and sit down and hit the books; believe me, i am in the same situation....(we should pray for each other). I also spend lots of time on these sites and not as much as i should on my studies but this is not good. You should focus on what needs to be done and do not let satan get you down; i know that you feel upset and at a loss but you need to change this mindset. Also, before you study, you should say a quick prayer saying something like "God help me focus and be with me in my studies..." then read a small passage from the Holy Bible and get to work. Let me state that being at home is very dangerous! sometimes i get absolutely nothing done all day and it is very harmful! So leave the house, go to an environment where you know you will be productive (personally i work better when their are others working hard around me). Also remember that it is only your first year and that it is not too late......but be careful....the longer you wait the worse it will get! So promise God and yourself that you will work hard and make sure to do these things because they are all really important if you want to be taken seriously. So what are you waiting for? GO STUDY!!!

    P.S i need major prayers....i got two finals tomoro!

    Pray for me,
  • Amoussa01 gave you top advice, and i also had similar things happening to me... too many alhan and too many exams also - go for a compromise..... although spiritual growth is important so is study so compromise a bit of this and more of studying in exam time.... and in free time a bit of studying, and more of spirituality.... but nonetheless always keep praying albeit it be a small prayer, and keep reading the Bible even if it be a chapter a day... keep it up and you will have gained the most you can

    pray for me

  • well... what i am saying should go first for me.....  do the stuff u have too quick then spend all the time you want on websites ...
  • Hello,

    What an interesting name u have by the way!?
    Why do you wish to be a donkey??

    Yeah, can be so addictive. But I have some brilliant advice for u.

    Look, you are young right? Go and focus on your studies and never come to this site until the summer. Really. Then when summer comes, you know what ya 7omar?? U can do a theological training course for the summer. They run them every now and then in STevenage - UK with Anba Angaelos.

    Do the theological training in the summer. Everything u wanted to learn, u'll learn it. Get it out of your system, but in the summer time. Now, ya 7omar, focus on school.


    Take care,
  • Hey QT,
    can u give me some more info on these theological classes in the summer I'd love to attend something like that...

    Thanks in advance
    God bless
  • [quote author=godislove260 link=topic=6596.msg87879#msg87879 date=1210951465]
    Hey QT,
    can u give me some more info on these theological classes in the summer I'd love to attend something like that...

    Thanks in advance
    God bless

    OK, i'm working on it.. leave it to me!!
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