We are taught to follow the law of the land yet preaching in public places is illegal is a lot of areas. Are the preachers supposed to limit themselves to private areas? Are they supposed to go door to door? What is the most preferred method of preaching in our church?
Thank you,
God Bless,
Copt Andrew
pray for me
We are taught to follow the law of the land yet preaching in public places is illegal is a lot of areas. Are the preachers supposed to limit themselves to private areas?
not really...but since it's a against the law, there is no need of it. God gave us minds, we can keep Him using it in the world. no. cuz this is just annoying ppl will not respect what you have to say when you disrespect their privacy. Be a TRUE CHRISTIAN all the time.
......................simple of words, hardest to do in acts.........................
I think it was St Francis who said "always preach the Gospel and, if necessary, use words" I'm quite sure that Pope Kyrollos the 6th advocated this. This is what I've understood from Matthew 5:16
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven"
I think that words are good, but actions speak louder than words.