there is this girl and we were best friends and i had feelings for her and she loved me dearly true love but i messed up and now she is out of my life she is such a good girl and i always put my needs to the side to satasfy her needs and always was there for her but what i did was say mean things so she went to her foc and he told her to stay away from me, what should i do i want her back we were such good friends then it just went down hill.. me and her loved each other we were friends and building for the future.
God Bless and pray 4 me
I'm really sorry if this seems unhelpful, but I don't know the exact situation that you're's very hard to try and help and I know I'm not very good at this, but you are in my prayers and I'm sure that everything will be ok :)
Like I said, every relationship sees turbulance every now and then, but these falls usually serve to strengthen the friendship in the future.
God Bless and Pray 4 me Hope i helped you
God Bless
God Bless