The wonders of God.

edited December 1969 in Random Issues
I read something.

Is it true that every country in the world gets the same amount of light and darkness because the sun is nearly a sphere?

That would make sense, if God wanted to give everyone in the world the same opportunity to do work to support themselves and for heavenly rewards or salvation.

Maybe they don't get the exacly the same because God has a reason for it, like giving us more daylight for a holiday.

Is there anything strange that you know like this which supports that God made the universe as it is for human beings and shows that only God could have made this universe? the evidence of design being so overwhelming?

I know one thing... in all the planets we have discovered so far there is noone like a human being. And fruits were made to be so delicious and agreeable to humans. I don't know if thats a good one.


  • I don't know about the light thing, but there's plenty of philosophical/scientific scholars who advocate the existance of God using the "design argument", more formally known as the Teleological Argument. It's basic ground is that since there is evidence of order or design in the universe (and more importantly, the earth) then there must be a being responsible for this design, and this being must be God.

    Well, there's far more to it than that...but that's the basic idea and I'm no good at explaining stuff :P
    There's a very good book that I read recently called "The Case for a Creator" by Lee Strobel. It's the story of an atheist journalist who objectively looked at the scientific evidence for God and converted to Christianity...touches on all sorts of scientific facts pointing to God.

    If this is a bit much, then try looking up the Teleological or Design Argument...very interesting stuff!
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