Yesterday’s synexar reading was about the departure of St. Peter, the worshipper and it says:
“When his good deeds became well known, he fled to the wilderness of St. Macarius, where he became a monk and lived an ascetic life with great devotion and good repute that made him worthy to know the day of his departure. St. Peter called the elders of the monks and bade them farewell, and departed in peace”
HH. Pope Kyrillos VI knew the day of his departure at least 5 years in advance. HH Anba Theophylis knew his day at least 2 years in advance. I have known and met at least three monks who knew their day of departure.
May everyone lives long, healthy, prosperous life but what is it that you would like to see happening to the human race before leaving this earth if you are blessed of knowing your departure day and what the last versus from the bible you want to memorize?
you know, i think the most obvious answer is to see the human race confess the Jesus Christ as God, and the Savior, but prophesies in the bible and Jesus Christ said that the entire race will never do that (and that there will be many hardships in the end of time). so the human race will never become umm . . ."a big happy family" . which is what i would want before my departure day. buttttt, i would really really want to read teh entire bible a couple of times before that day.
and for the verse, i would love to memorize the one about love in 1corinthians
"Love suffers long and is kind,; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up
does not behave rudely, does not sek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil,
does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in truth,
bears all things, beleieves all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail,; whether there are tongues, they will cease,; whether there is knowledge it will vanish away."
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Yesterday’s synexar reading was about the departure of St. Peter, the worshipper and it says:
“When his good deeds became well known, he fled to the wilderness of St. Macarius, where he became a monk and lived an ascetic life with great devotion and good repute that made him worthy to know the day of his departure. St. Peter called the elders of the monks and bade them farewell, and departed in peace”
HH. Pope Kyrillos VI knew the day of his departure at least 5 years in advance. HH Anba Theophylis knew his day at least 2 years in advance. I have known and met at least three monks who knew their day of departure.
May everyone lives long, healthy, prosperous life but what is it that you would like to see happening to the human race before leaving this earth if you are blessed of knowing your departure day and what the last versus from the bible you want to memorize?
Of course I would like to see Christ coming and everyone believing.. but if that's not possible:
Before I die, I would like to see the following happen (not necessarily in this order):
* I hope to see Egypt qualify for the world cup.
* Peace between Israel and Palestine
* The children of my children's children
* Arsenal win the FA Cup.
* Church unity (between Chalcedonian and non Chalcedonian).
* Church unity between Catholics and Protestants
* The abolishment of Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons.
* Saudi Arabia to become poor and run out of oil
* A Coptic President for Egypt
The last versus from the Bible I want to memorise are:
well.. its a lot, but it would probably be the entire gospels of St Mark and St John.
i have memorised my fav verse (john 16:33) 'in this world u will have trouble but take heart i have overcome the world' but i plan to memorise the agpeya prayers before i retire (28 years). so far i have memorised 1/3 of one prayer, so i may have to keep working on it after i am old, at this rate!
I wish to see the Coptic Church prosper more and more according to God's abundant grace and mercy, fuller churches, whole-hearted tasbeha's, and above all complete, godly children of God because that's what makes Him really happy
I wish to memorize psalm 27 and big parts of the gospels of St John and St Matthew..
God bless you all and give you prosperous lives full of love and happiness!