hi all this is involving the muslim religen ending

edited December 1969 in Personal Issues
as you see now muslims are in trouble its crumbuling with in everyone is begging to see the truth. but my question comes why does it have to come with trouble? as you see our brothers and sisters in egypt are suffering and everything they go through here in america even we face racism from the muslims there is 2 surahs in the koran that proves mohamed is not a prophet.. one is where a luner eclipse is happening and mohamed is jumping up and down thinking that day would be his day of judgement and anthor where he is challanged to create a miracle and he says i am nothing more then a man .

you think they would see this religen is fake and thats all it is.

why must we suffer for there wrong doings?

all we do is praise our lord jesus christ are you kidding me jews and christians are pigs?

i think the fact is these countries of america and europe are inorent to the true face of islam .

why us?


  • but my question comes why does it have to come with trouble?

    If I understand you correctly, you are asking why do we have to go through troubles. Well one point is that if there is no tribulations, we will feel that we don’t need God . If we have everything that we want, why should we call upon Him. This is one of the reasons why we go through tribulations.

    I can prove it to you.

    If you go to Egypt where people are persecuted, you will find that they are really close to God
    Here (U.S.A) in most cases, because we don’t need anything, we tend to be far from God .

    I can relate to this personally since I came from Egypt 4 yours ago. We were an average family. We had everything  we wanted. We were not close to God. But when we came here, it was different because we really needed God. We needed Him to help us find jobs, schools and everything else. And as a result we got close to God.

    Also if you go back to the 1st, 2nd an 3rd century when Christians were persecuted, you would think that persecutions will make less people come to Christinity. BUT , it was the opposite. the more persecutions, the more miracles, the more people become Christian.

    If there are no tribulatons, then how will God show you that He is the deliverer from hardships. how will God show you that He cares for you?
    Does that make sense?What I mean is that tribulations and persecutions tend to bring us close to God

  • It's too sad watching these things happening in Egypt... Well about "Why us" it's because their religion has taught em to do so, they have grown like that with these teachings. Behind their religion it's Satan who fights the true God and His followers. The time will come when all these things will be a past.

    P.S: Another thing to prove that mohammed wasn't a true prophet is : From Bukhari's Hadith 4.394: Where he asks jews if they had poisoned the sheep and they answered "Yes."  He asked, "What made you do so?"  They said, "We wanted to know if you were a liar in which case we would get rid of you, and if you are a prophet then the poison would not harm you." and a lil bit later he died poisoned. :)))) Whatever that's not the points I just liked to mention it. xD

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