Coptic Identity Cards

edited December 1969 in Random Issues

Can someone kindly explain this to me:

The bitaa2 shaksaya (Coptic ID Cards - or national ID cards) - it is for both Copts and Muslims? Right?

So, what is the problem? Why are copts fighting to have one if they already have one?

This was in the BBC news today:

I'm a bit confused because I thought Copts could always have an ID card, and that it had, by law, their religion on there. I'd have thought that what they should be fighting for is to have religion taken off so there is no discrimination when applying for jobs.


  • i think this refers to changing the Religion/Belief record on the ID to Christian (or muslim). Once you do an ID and state a religion, you cannot change it in Egypt. Many have cases now against this to change "Muslim" to "Christian" and lost and i think some cases are still open of famous people who declared their conversion to Christianity.
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