hello all
I need some info on the Alhan competition 2010 in the Archangel Michael and St. Mina Church in albany, NY-
when is it?
can boys AND girls participate??
I found the alhan on their website but is it church against church or person against person?
Do you need to register?
What is the basis of testing??
please give me as much info as you can please!!
Thank you sooooo much and God bless you all
The hymn competition rules and hymns can be found at
http://michaelmenasi.com/HC10/ for the text and rules please scroll down and click on the link for text and that will give you the whole booklet including the rules and the hymns for this years competition. Also the audio is there as well.
The hymn competition is set into groups by age where each participant competes againts other individuals. Then the 5th group is a chorus group one chorus from each church. And then in the end there are two other awards for the churches who did the best and the church who had the most points.
Hope this helped GOd Bless
There is a limit to 10 persons per group except for the 5th group
Registration goes through your church
Basis of testing is in:
1st and 2nd Group: Correct Tune, Correct Pronounciaton, and Memorization parts
3rd and 4th Group: Correct Tune, Correct Pronounciation, Coptic Reading, and Memorization
5th Group: Tune, Pronounciation
The competition will be on September 25 and 26 October 2 and 3 2010
After your church registers you will be notified with what day you will go
Please be on time as we will try our best also to finish everything on Schedule
Pray for us
I didn't know it was so far off
One more question (I'm sorry): the 5th group, the chorus, competes as a chorus and the other groups compete individually??
Thanks again
Do you mind me asking what church you are from?
i just sent you a personal message-hope you get it
this is funny