
edited December 1969 in Random Issues

Although I can't help but understand where this Bishop is coming from, I really loved the one line that read:

For Jesus there were no justified illnesses," said parliamentarian Mia De Schamphelaere.

Your two cents?


  • "The wages of sin is death." Some people get aids/hiv while they didn't sin though.

    That's why I can understand the position of the Bishop, but saying is a 'just' punishment is too blunt, because from a human POV any punishment from such a disease is inhumane.

    Every sin deserves death/disease/punishment but why does he make a distinction between this sin and another sin.
  • Many of these STD's are in a sense, a punishment for promiscuity. While some get it from means other than this, which is unfortunate, for once a Catholic is right. I am sure he is catching hell from the whore that is this world, and I hope he does not cave in under the pressure.
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