This is sick

edited December 1969 in Random Issues

So after they go and slaughter millions of Armenian Orthodox Christians, they go and convert the CHurch into a mosque. Then when they allow the Armenians to pray in the Church again, they go and pray themselves in it as if it was still a mosque!!

What is this??


  • The conqueror may do as he wishes, for now.  However, there is the Ultimate Conqueror, Who conquered sin and death.  One day, everyone will have to stand before that Conqueror, and they will ask for mercy.  Mercy will be meeted out relative to how merciful one was; for, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."

    Let them rejoice, let them make merry, but whether they plan for it or not, there is going to be judgment before the Master and the Conqueror.  Blessed is the faithful and wise servant who knows when his master is coming and is at hand.

    Do not worry about the Armenians, they are very resilient.
  • I will add:  probably 90% of the old mosques in Egypt are sitting on previous churches, and even the remains of the saints.  There is only one Heavenly  Jerusalem, and as I recall:  there was no sun or temple; for God Himself is there.  Our job is to find our way to the Heavenly Jerusalem, through His Guidance and His Holy Spirit.  It's painful to see these types of desecrations, it has happened even in the Church of the Holy Sepluchre and the Church of the Nativity.  The Heavenly Jerusalem can never be desecrated.  May we all meet there some day and offer our praise to Almighty God.  On earth, our purpose is to survive and to persevere in God's Will and Word.
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