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  • I completely agree with Cyril97. After reading these post for a year and a half, I decided to join but my experience has not been pleasant ever since I have taken an active role. I find that people are being attacked instead of the ideas. I wish we …
  • I don't login very often; sorry for replying so late Fr. As far as I know about contributing sermons, you just follow the instructions on the following link. If you're using the new site…
  • orthodoxsermons is working fine. Yes, you may not be able to listen/watch the video directly on the site, but you can just click the download original video link and listen/watch with your own media viewer. And the site is always up to date with ser…
  • I'm not sure how to quote people but this was from jydeacon: At this point in time, your main role is to sing as the choir(i still don't think you guys should wear anything at all, no reason to have a "tonya" and bless it when you aren't serving the…
  • Right now, we are called referred to as the choir, but we exceed the roles that a choir would do. All those who oppose the word "deaconess" in this manner, you are giving the word too much power. I understand where you're coming from, but this is no…
  • epchois_nai_nan (And those who are interested) --- It is extremely wonderful! We, the group at my church, try to stay active and serve to the best of our abilities. At first, there was backlash from the older, more conservative members of our con…
  • Well an age limit has to be set, so ten years old was the limit. For the record, I am sharing my experience with this blessing, and just offering insight. And if one sees a problem with the blessing of the tunic, then take it up with the Pope and th…
  • Yes, minatasgeel, I realize that there is reverence owed to the term since there are may be true deaconesses in Egypt. But I also believe that it is necessary to use the term, and note the difference, so others realize that being a choir is not our …
  • Since this is fairly new, we take great care to do this right! And everyone cooperates. We all come dresses appropriately and on time, we actually do not have a microphone so when we lead we learn to depend on each other and sing together in harmo…
  • Thanks for your interest! When it comes to singing, during vespers the deacons and the deaconesses alternate verses. Basically, we lead the side of the women which has been the the latest advancement ( Thank God!). So since this has been fairly new…
  • And plus, we are not just "girls who sing".
  • Well, a word is just a word and as long as I noted the difference I don't believe using it is such a problem. And plus we do not go around calling ourselves the "ecclesiastical choir", so it is not currently used as you stated rather just noted, but…