I couldn't agree more dthoxsasiPhilanethrope. To further add to your point about getting out of the sin, many church fathers recommend taking all the church fasts seriously. Refraining from food and certain foods is extremely easy to do compared to …
I believe curiosity in itself is not a sin. In fact, curiosity when used appropriately is a beautiful thing. God created us to be curious. But in the early teenage years, friends at school may tell someone to check out a website for pornography. Tha…
Mark, do not listen to what they teach in school. This is what they teach in school because they themselves would like to indulge in the sin and make it seem like it is fine. You're absolutely right when you say it is a way to make the sin look more…
Thanks Epshiri for quick response!
I wasn't dead set on quarter tones, I just want an instrument that can really capture coptic hymns. I decided on the Egyptian Nay. Listening to recordings online made me realize how beautiful of an instrument it i…
The Bible warns us that there will be great signs and wonders that will take place around us, and no one would even notice. 100 years ago, if you told someone that people would get on a shuttle and go to the moon, or if you show them a pill, tell th…
I agree with Stavro. We need to pay attention, be ready, and keep our eyes and ears ready. Yes Remnkemi, those things you have mentioned have not yet occurred. But many other things have. We live in strange times right now and yes, we shouldn't be p…
Please pray for my sister, as she is applying for medical school. She's applying for multiple schools and she, as well as our family, is praying she can get into a local one. I also got a new car and will start driving on my own soon, please pray fo…